Well, I didn't get these posted last night... my mom and I started painting at about 10am yesterday and finished about 11pm last night. I jumped in and out of the shower and crawled right into bed. Blogging was not high on my list of priorities.
Here are some before and after shots of the Kitchen and Dining room. Keep in mind two things: the dining room still needs one more coat of paint and the kitchen color is NOT what we were hoping it was going to be. As of this moment, both Steve and I are unsure if we like it, but (as the painter) we're gonna stick it out for a bit to see if it grows on us. I'm not interesting in painting that kitchen again - smallest room to paint, but the biggest pain in the ass (lots to pull out, plates to take off, counter to clear, ugh.)
Kitchen Before |
Kitchen After (color: Dill Pickle) |
Beofre |
After |
before |
after |
We had to change the light in the kitchen as well. There is a huge florescent fixture in there and it had super bright white lights - it made the color look awful. Steve went and bought some soft white light and it really helped the look (all photos were taken with the new light bulbs). Again, we're unsure if we like the color in there.
On to the dining room:
Dining Room before |
Dining Room after (not put back together because it needs another coat of paint) |
before |
after |
So that's what I spent all day doing yesterday.
Now I have to get ready to drink all afternoon and night - Steve's work party is tonight... Please GOD let me survive this!
Cool, I really like the colors! I'm glad ya'll are going to stick with the kitchen for now, I like it.
I have always wanted a yellow kitchen so I'm a bit jealous! Looks good!
M and I painted out kitchen green a couple of years ago and while it also wasn't what I envisioned, it did grow on us...at least enough to not want to paint it over again. I hate painting so much. It looks good but I think it probably looks better in person.
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