It's my birthday bitches! I'm 30!
Last night, as I mention, I went to dinner with Kristi, Dana, and Heather - it was a fantastic time! We ended up spending 2.5 hours at the restaurant. Dana, the sweetheart she is, got me a bottle of wine, "cheap wine" as she calls it, I've yet to try it, but I love a good bang for your buck bottle of vino!
So who's DYING to know what the gift from Steve was? Well, I'm not going to tell you. HA!
Chill people. I'm kidding. I'm 30 now you know, I'm a whole new kind of funny! I have a lot to do today before the party tonight. I spent probably 20 minutes trying to get a picture of my gift, but as it turns out diamonds are hard to photograph, especially with it's not great outdoor light coming in and the lights inside are just kind of meh. Oh wait... what?! Diamonds?!?!???!!!!! Yep, I said it - diamonds, 2 of them :)
Yeah - it's hard to get pictures of diamonds, but it was worth the effort ;)
Best birthday ever? You betcha!
Now, I'm off to get shit ready for tonight!
Pictures tomorrow!!

Feliz Cumpleanos!!
Happy Birthday!
Zoo Siab Koj Hnub Yuj!!
Sang Chuk Hamnida!
I hope you have the best birthday EVER!! 30!!!!!! Those earrings are gorgeous, great job Steve!!
Have fun at the party tonight ;)
Happy birthday!!!! and well done, Steve
Yay, you were right! And you didn't need to be sneaky about it ;-) Good job being a grown up and waiting for your gift.
Happy birthday Ang!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Today is your dirty thirty and it already looks perfect. The earrings are beautiful!! Have tons of fun at your party and of course report back to us!
Happy happy birthday! The diamond studs I have in my ears haven't left them since I Got them! LOL They're perfect to keep in forever! :)
Happy Birthday!
What a great gift! I hope you have a fantastic night!
love the pretty!
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