Sunday, the 4th day of birthday month, was pretty chill. Steve was hungover - I was not.
Going to get wings about sums up the only out of the house activity. The Vikings lost, which is nothing new at all :(
We watched a couple more roasts (the Hoff, and Shatner), and we watched Die Hard 2.
For the most part, it's been a pretty chill weekend - got to spend some time with good friends and got to relax on the last weekend before this month becomes a complete blur.
Next weekend, on Saturday, is Steve's work party - I'm sure Sunday will be a day of the biggest hangover of the year, it has been every other year, why change this year?
The weekend after that is my birthday (which is on Friday), Saturday will be a day to recover from that. On that Sunday, we are going up to my dad house for prime rib and lobster!
The weekend after that, it's Christmas!
Lots of stuff in between too... so, I'm going to try sticking with this birthday month posting every day.. NO promises though, I think you all know me better than that. I don't usually stick to things once I start them.

Holy man, I can't believe how fast the last of this year is going by! To be honest, I am so ready for 2011 to be over.
Then again, I'm still anxious to find out about that present from Steve ;-) THEN bring on 2012!
Sometimes chill weekends are the best ones :)
We have the rest of our December weekends booked up, too! Lots of Christmas parties
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