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Monday, December 1, 2008

My New Purchase

I did it... and holy crap is it nerve-racking!

Here is what I'm expecting in the mail very shortly:

Comes fully equip with a 2GB memory card and a carrying case (at no extra charge!)

More to come soon... I just had to get it out.


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

I'd be freaking out in excitement!!!! Save some money now for a good lens and probably a flash too. Both are a lot of $$$ after such a big purchase!

Lynne said...

Good for you!! You deserve it and it is a beauty.

Anonymous said...


Loopy said...

I hope thats my christmas present. Hee Hee

Dawn said...

WOO HOO!!!! New tool for the photo journal!!!!!

Lovi said...

sweet! We bought a new camera last year but Paul is already salvating over this same type of Nikon. Enjoy it! :-)

Dana said...

Congrats! I'm kinda jealous! :) I have done some research on both the D40 and D60 so you will have to let me know how good it is. I actually bought the D40 for Michael last year and he made me return it because he didn't want me spending that much money on him. I wish he would buy me one! :) Let me know if you got a good deal on it and where. I'm always looking for the future.

Unknown said...

That's what I'm talkin about!
Now you have to get photoshop cs4 and you can make some crazy shit like me!


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