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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blogging and Counting...

Ok, so I installed this hit counter on my blog last week, but wanted to test it out before I decided to keep it.  After reading Michelle's Blog celebrating her 30,000th hit I've decided to keep my counter, unfortunately I didn't put it up the first day I started the blog, so it's about 2 months off.  I've added the hit counter to my blog under my picture for everyone to see.  Can you believe I've been here on blogger for 2 months?!

I really like the little community in the blogging world.  I've become a part of Thoughts For Thursday, which I'm finding to be fun and I'm always searching my mind for TFT ideas!  I'm also open to suggestions if you have one... I have an opinion on everything!

I still have a small annoyance with people coming and reading but not leaving comments.  Let me know you've been here, even if it's just a small "LOL" or "Word" or "I agree/disagree".  It is nice to know people are reading, but I don't know who you are unless you tell me, duh!  I know the comment options are there for you to post using your name (even if you don't have a blogger account)... so why not do it?  Not only that, but I know you have an opinion too or something to say!  If you found me through someone else's blog, let me know who and why you decided to click on my blog.  
I'm quite certain I've lost a lot of my loyal myspace readers... but what can you do?

There are still a few quirks I'm trying to figure out here (like why I get a different posting screen sometimes, one with a spellcheck and one without), but so far so good!  I need to take more time to play with banners... I enjoy learning new things and trying to make them in photoshop is usually fun.

All in all, I like it here.  I plan to continue to post as I feel the need and find topics to post about... Thanks to those who continue to read and welcome to those who are new.  I know my blog is not grammatically correct most of the time and I, generally, try to check my spelling... its just me and it's how I roll.

Lastly, on a separate/side note: my tattoo is starting to heal, which means it's starting to itch... which means it sucks.


Dawn said...

Keep it lubed up real good and the itching won't be so unbearable. Have a great trip!!!!!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Hi hon!!! I love that you have this blog :)
It is very frustrating when nobody comments. I know I have a ton of lurkers who never stop in to say hi...but then they'll tell me in person they read it. I lurk on just a few blogs (usually only the ones that I know don't read mine or knwo me, but i also comment on strangers blogs just to make my presence known!!
PS You can probably adjust the starting count on your blog meter. In two months its probably safe to say you've had a good 1,000+ hits!

Lynne said...

Love ya Ang!

BB Live Updates said...

ditto on the lurking/no comment thing... very aggravating.
Love your blog, thanks for sharing your life with us!


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