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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random v.10.15

Random today:

  • I've not blogged about it yet because I feel like everyone else already has blogged about it... but then it hit me; my readers don't necessarily read the same blogs I do... duh!  So I'll tell you a bit about my weekend, last weekend.  The weather people were predicting snow, and lots of it. Generally they are wrong, so I kind of ignored it.  Until I woke up Saturday morning and saw it... ugh.
    Saturday  was the day the family and I were supposed to be moving my grandma 30 minutes North.  Did we cancel because of a blizzard?  NOPE.
    13 people came together, packed everything up (gma was instructed to pack NOTHING as it was already going to be stressful enough for her), load furniture and boxes into 2 enclosed trailers and 3 pickup trucks, drive (in a blizzard) 17 miles up the road, unload and unpack, arrange furniture and have it livable for gma that same night.
    After the move, Steve and I went back to my house and ended up having to shovel one half of the driveway for his car to get in.  The little snowblower we have was not enough to get through the 17+ inches of snow we had sitting there, not to mention the snow was deeper in certain parts due to the crazy ass wind that day!
  • Sunday morning, we woke up and tried to snow blow again... and again my little snowblower was not enough.  Did some shoveling by hand.. then went and picked up Steve's dad's snowblower, which destroyed the mounds of snow in my driveway.  Thank God for that.  It would have been a much longer day otherwise.
    I had to shovel my back patio, around my hot tub, by hand on Sunday.  That was not fun and I was exhausted to the core afterwards.  My body was sore for the days following.
  • I read this blog of a girl that I don't know... honestly, I don't even know how I found her blog.  I'm not sure how old she is, but she whines like she is 12.  I really want to stop reading her blog, but for some reason I just can't drop it.  Obviously I'm not linking to it... but I just want her to grow the fuck up (I know she lives on her own, so she is at least old enough to act like a grown up, right?!)
  • I also found a blog of someone who has been stalking my blog... funny how that works.  Not giving deets on this one, but it's pretty funny to find.  We might have so much in common but I just wish she'd speak up and let me know she follows... I actually enjoy reading blogs of my followers... just sayin'.

  • Tomorrow is my birthday and it would be a good day to play along with the Just Thursday posts, because my weekend is going to be BOMB!  I'll do it today instead :)
    Thursday (my actual birthday) - waking up a bit late so that I can hit up Dunn Bros for my free birthday drink on the way to work (they don't open until 6am and I'm usually to work shortly after 6).  I'll work my day with tons of attention because you better believe that everyone at work knows it's my birthday!  After work I'm meeting the love of my life for Happy Hour at Pittsburgh Blue (a delicious steakhouse), then having a birthday night sleepover!  YAY!
    Friday (my day off) - nothing planned for the day, that evening I am meeting up with some friends for cocktails (if you're free Friday night and live in the area, shoot me an email - I'd love to have you there!)
    Saturday - No major plans for the day, in the evening Steve and I are meeting up with my dad and his wife for dinner at Murray's (home of the Silver Butterknife steak) and I can't wait!
    Sunday - I'll be joining my boyfriend for house hunting - should prove to be a fun day!
That's about all I have time for today people - until we meet again :)


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

You really should email me those blogs you're reading, I'm curious!

Sounds like you have some good birthday plans lined up! I wish my folks weren't going to be in town, I totally would've joined you for drinks!

Murdock's mama said...

email them to me!

Your weekend sounds like so much more fun than mine! I hope you have the best birthday ever!

Anonymous said...

I hate whiners! I have a few of those on Facebook. I don't know how they keep on living if life sucks so bad.

That's a lot of snow! I'm surprised you still function. When I lived in Virginia, the entire city would shut down with 1 inch of snow, and everyone would stay inside drinking cocoa and panicking hahaha. Ya'll are obviously much tougher than we are :)

Dana said...

You guys deserve major props for moving your gma in the snow. It was hard enough to even stand up straight while walking through snow and that wind. Have fun all weekend for your birthday. It's Saturday so most of your plans are already done with. :) Do you plan on moving in with Steve if he gets a new house?!

Snitz said...

i blog stalk! and i'm pretty tech-stupid so i just learned how to comment without just being anonymous! SO HI! :)


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