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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Color: Black

So, since I have nothing to write about... wait, not true.. I have no time to write... I am posting with this little color quiz I found.  Monica pointed me to it here.  

My Results: Black

Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live.

In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. 

Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. 

No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.

pictures via we♥it

Take the quick little quiz yourself, if you must... it's neat :)


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I got red:

You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Koree said...

aww this is cute! i will have to check this out! have a great wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Purple: Spontaneity is the key to your existence. Quick-witted with a flair for originality, you enjoy situations that allow you to explore your creativity. Comparatively conservative, you appreciate beautiful surroundings, especially if they’re found in nature. Your relaxed and self-assured personality allows you to work well with others. Surprisingly enough, your unique and unusual tastes don’t prevent you from being comfortable among your more conservative peers.

Harley said...

Red as a rose, apparently I boast incredible willpower and am capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. I also seem to have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with my energetic bursts of energy. My interests in many areas of life often leave me somewhat scattered, but when I focus I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

Clearly I haven't yet learned to focus properly...


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