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Friday, May 8, 2009

An Admirer’s Photo Challenge

I had a friend ask if they could give me a short, almost personalized, list for a PSH {Photo Scavenger Hunt} and I accepted the challenge.  So far I've been having a hard time getting motivated and getting ideas for my PSH3, although since I'm going to be in New York and Missouri this month... some of my ideas have to be done in those places.
Anyhow - the rules were simple... I was given the list on May 1st and had 2 weeks to complete it (I obviously got it done in less time) and, like the rest, it's open to my interpretation; here is the list and what I came up with:

1. Something or someone you love - Minneapolis AND The Stone Arch Bridge; 2 of my favorite things in the world
2. A crack - a floating device at my house
3. An act of kindness - Recycling is being kind to our planet
4. A jagged edge - A knife
5. Something you don’t like - Laundry (UGH!)
6. Ten - Roman Numerals, Tic Tac Toe at a park
7. Something that symbolizes how you often feel on a Friday - carefree, happy, beautiful, sunny, lazy, peaceful
8. Lots of color - been researching NYC Subway
9. A verse from a song - (next to impossible to get a whole verse, so I went with as much as I could get) You're a Grand Old Flag, You're a High Flying Flag...
10. One of the oldest things around you - Rum River; this is the Rum River Dam in Anoka, MN

Number 7 was my favorite because I've had Friday's off for 3 years... it's one of the happiest days of my week and I often find myself happy to just be alive that day.  I wake up on my own time, drink my coffee, and do whatever I want.  It's amazing and I think a beautiful spring day with some clouds in the sky is a perfect way to show that... lets face it... I often wake up a bit cloudy as well ;)

As per normal, all photos were taken with my Nikon D60; one post processed.
(lots of blue in these shots....)

I'm not posting this as a challenge for everyone to judge, per se, but if you'd like to have a little side project or just want the added challenge for yourself, please feel free to take this list and roll with it; I suggest sticking with the 2 week time limit, but do whatever you like!  It'd be a great way to try out a smaller hunt if you don't feel you're ready for the longer lists.  I would love to see anything people come up with, so if you do it, why don't you jump on back here and post the link in the comment section so I, and anyone else reading, can take a look!

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed ;)


Ella Preuss said...

nice, I'll see if I can take some of this pics!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Awesome challenge! Great job with your shots :)


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