All images and content are Copyright © by the owner of Football, Sushi, and The Pursuit of Happiness (unless otherwise stated); please do not use or copy without permission.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hope's Dope

So about a month ago I created a Shutterfly account and I've been uploading some photos to it here and there... I'm not sure how well I'm going to keep up with it or really anything at this point, but I thought I would finally share the link with you now - because I finally figured out how to 'share' it and get my own link!

It's called Hope's Dope - don't know why, it just is.  Check it out, you can become a member if you'd like.  I'm pretty sure being a member only allows you to view and comment on my photos, you won't be able to upload or anything.  It's still pretty new to me, so I'm not 100% sure how things work... if anyone knows more about it [since I refuse to read], please fill me in!  I think I have a pretty good understanding for it... but tips are always nice.

Anyhow - here is the link again, Hope's Dope.  I've also linked to it on Facebook.

Hope you enjoy what is becoming a pretty huge part of my life!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Great idea! All your pictures are awesome.


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