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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Random - Vol. 8.12

Brett's a JET! I can't seem to get the Jets song from West Side Story out of my head... "When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way" - I'm so excited!
The best part of all this is the "poison pill"... the Packers made certain that NY would not trade Favre to The Vikings. If Favre were to be traded to Minnesota , NY would have to give Green Bay 3 first round picks! Way to cover your asses Green Bay!!! I might jump on the Packers bandwagon this season, 2nd to the Vikings of course.

I'm so fricken happy.

I had my first Chipotle experience last night. Got a burrito. It was heaven. I want more.
I think my taste for spice is growing... most would think that's a good thing.

So... did you realize Batman is the only superhero without any superpowers? Erin and I watched Batman Begins - Everything he does or is capable of doing is on purpose (correct me if I'm wrong, Joey). I don't recall the original Batman movies all that well, so there could have been some back-story there, but I guess I just always assumed he was attacked or bitten by a bat and all of the sudden could fly and stuff (like Spider-man). Maybe it was just me being a naive child. Now I'm looking forward to watching The Dark Knight (we are going tonight!).

My friend Kristi suggested to me that I start blogging outside of myspace. I'm thinking about it... but I'm wondering if anyone would read it then? To those who read my blogs here, even if you never comment (cause I know you're out there); would you read it if it weren't on myspace? Thoughts please!!

This was a shorty... I have a job to do.
Good day ladies and gents.

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