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Monday, August 18, 2008

Migraine Wars; I have yet to win.

I don't really have a whole lot to say today.

I want to write about my migraine this weekend, just so I can have some sort of blog history of these stupid things.
It started on Thursday night, I was at home working on a banner for this blog and burning CDs. All of the sudden my vision started to go blurry in my right eye, I was instantly flashed back to last June when I had my first migraine. I knew what was coming next. So as I still can't fully see out of that eye, my right arm starts to go numb, from my fingertips and slowly working upwards. Then, right side of my face goes numb, including my tongue (which was a flash back of the dentist the other week). Anyhow, I never got the full blown migraine headache, but my head was very sore all of the sudden. I woke up Friday morning and felt just ok... very groggy but ok. Then I learned as my day went on that coughing, laughing, sneezing, and bending over all hurt like a mo-fo. Those are pretty typical things for me the day after a migraine, my head always gets extra sore the next day. Anyhow, I had dinner plans on Friday and I didn't really want to be dealing with this, so I decided a nap was in order (which ended up being 2 hours) and as I got ready I decided I need to take some of my medication, so that my night should not have any problems. As it turns out I should have read the bottle before I took those pills and went cock-tailing - I was wasted from an amount of alcohol that normally would barely give me a buzz, and I mean WASTED!
I probably should have made it a point to get some good sleep that night, but the other option was just too much fun to pass up, so I ended up getting roughly about 4.5 hours of sleep. I woke up with a throbbing head, wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or the migraine still.
My weekend was very full and I really couldn't and didn't want to bail on any of my plans, so I got moving on Saturday after relaxing a little bit in the morning. I made my way down NE to meet up with DP for the Twins game, head feeling pretty alright. As we are sitting at the game, I decided beer was just not an option, and mid-way through the game my head starts to hurt again. At this point I'm pretty sick of this stupid head crap, but I suck it up and deal with it (I had no medication with me because I don't bring my purse to games). It fades in and out the rest of the game.
After the game I had to meet up with the girls for our night out, so I hook up with Pam first, and we get ready together... I took some meds while getting ready and decided not to have more than a couple beers that night. While I was waiting for the meds to kick in I started to feel a bit of nausea, like I could puke but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to. That night turned out to be a horrible night for other reasons, but my head felt fine and I didn't get wasted!
I woke up Sunday feeling good, I slept until noon, which I never do anymore. I figure it was from lack of sleep the night before and these damn headaches are super mentally exhausting. I actually felt great all day Sunday, so I thought it was over.

I woke up today and was unbelievably tired, I'm sure from the entire weekend and not getting to bed on time last night, but my head didn't hurt. I figured another day without headache was a great sign... until this afternoon rolled around. It could be from lack of sleep, but I have the nausea back, so I'm thinking it's more than that. I had my hair up this morning and I've found during these headaches that having it up makes my head hurt more, so I took it down but it's not helping all that much.

I have plans to go to the Twins game tonight and I have no intention of bailing, though it would be smart to pass it up. It also means another night of less sleep than I am used to. All in all, I am not looking forward to my tomorrow and I have to be smart tomorrow :(

Very strange, it seems like all of these migraines have been quite different for me. First was full blown (blind spots, numbness, horrible headache), another was light sensitive (no blind spots, no numbness, but light caused pain), this time I never really got the full headache, but had a lot of the symptoms, the newest being nausea.

I need to go through and tag my myspace blogs, so for those who have subscribed via feed, I'm pretty sure it's going to mess up the order for you (i think it alerts when changes are made), just FYI.. they aren't new blogs, just tags added to old ones.

1 comment:

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

That's shitty, Ang. I know how debilitating headaches can be....glad I discovered the cause of mine and treatment (TMJ and jaw clenching)


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