3 - hours spent pressure washing things this weekend
511 - blogs I've written since coming to blogger! (512 if you count this one)
7.5 - hours of sleep I was supposed to get last night
4 - hours of sleep I think I actually got
154 - photos I posted from Hawaii (on Facebook)
1.5 - hours of actual work I've done today
9 - days until I leave for Missouri
21.5 - my cats weight, in pounds
1 - day until GLEE LIVE!
100 - days until Milwaukee
2 - number of sore arms I have from kicking ass this weekend!
6.5 - pounds of pork butt I slow cooked using a traditional Hawaiian Recipe this weekend - YUM!

Glee live? Oh my gosh, what's that?!?!
I am rarely on FB so I didn't see your pics were up. definitely gonna check that out soon.
We have a pressure washer and Matt says I can't use it. BUT I did convince him he should wash my van then since it was gross with bug guts from my Milwaukee trip. :/ So.. I'm putting it in the "win" category. :)
I am so happy you're doing a Milwaukee countdown!
And I want to pressure wash something, that kind of sounds like fun!
Your CAT is 21.5 LBS???!!!!!!!!! That is HUGE!!!
What the heck were you pressure washing for 3 hours? I love pressure washing things. Sounds strange but I find it fun. Lol.
Oh and I love fat cats.
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