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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wish List

Well, Happy December everyone!  Does anyone else feel like this year has absolutely FLOWN by?  I remember back in January/February it was soooooo cold here, below zero for years (it felt like), and because it was so cold we didn't have much snow... on top of all that it's dark for days (it felt like)... I thought I'd never make it to the end of the year.  Now, here I am in December; 15 days from my birthday (cause I don't count today) and 24 days from Christmas.  What the hell have I been doing the last 11 months?!  I'm excited to post my year end photo blog, though I fear it won't be much of me with friends/family; in the past year, with the new camera and my developing interest in photography, I've begun to slack in taking pictures of me, my friends, and my family (with the exception of Jordan).  We'll see how that turns out.

Kristi posted her Tuesday Top Ten today with the Top 10 being her Christmas List, at the end she suggested posting my own Top 10, on my own blog!  I tend to do pretty much anything Kristi suggests and it so happens that my blog subject is "Wish List", so I'm kind of stuck now...
With my Birthday and Christmas falling so close together, my list will be a Birthday/Christmas Wish List (hopefully I can come up with 10 things!); ready?

  1. A Wide-Angle lens
  2. Flat Screen HD TV
  3. Flat screen computer monitor (yeah, I still rock a CRT, don't judge me!)
  4. Diamond Earrings
  5. A new hairdryer
  6. New kitchen pots
  7. A gallery wrap of one of my best photos
  8. A Trip, to either New York City, San Fran, or somewhere warm
  9. A new Vikings hoodie
  10. Clothes!
  11. Free Sushi for a year (The good stuff!)
  12. A new point and shoot camera
Ok, so this really is a 'Wish List', as in I WISH I had this stuff, but never will - except for the hairdryer, that's obtainable.  I have a hard time thinking of things I want... well, reasonably priced things.


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Ahh, you made me think of a few more things I want like a lens to go with my future camera and some Vikings gear....
Oh and LMAO at "I tend to do pretty much anything Kristi suggests" ahhahahahahahha!!

Denise H. said...

A wide angle and a point and shoot is also on my list. I hope you get some of all of your list. :)

Dana said...

That's definitely a nice wish list. I CAN'T believe you are still have a CRT. I just wouldn't expect that from you, Ms. Technology. I hope you at least get the hairdryer. :)


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