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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random - v.9.13

Dude... I don't even know where to start!

First things first, whatever that means - my laptop is dead - RIP Mango.  We need a new harddrive for him.
This also means that if I hadn't backed anything up, I would be pissed.  I think the only thing I didn't have backed up was my pictures from my weekend up North with my cousins... the keepers are on facebook, so that should be ok.  I don't think there is anything else worth much that was lost.
I now have to install all my BB feed watchers on my PC, which sucks.  I don't have a TV in my bedroom what good are feeds/chat without TV to watch in the process?

Work has been crazy busy, which is a good thing for the company.  Also part of the reason I've been sucking it up as a blogger.  Oh well, such is life - we are all obviously busy this summer.

I will be babysitting my niece for 6 full days coming up soon... in order to prep for that, I watched her Monday for a couple hours, I will be watching her this coming Saturday, Plus a few more dates between now and September 7th when my 6 days begin.  I'm scared shitless.  Watching a kid for a few hours is one thing, but 6 FULL DAYS?!  I'm going to drink myself to death.  Seriously.

I've decided on a name for my camera, I think: NLMA (which is actually my mom's initials, and pronounced NIL-MA) - it's kind of a inside joke in my family... but I think it's fitting.  That way I always have my family with me, I'm a sap. :)

I've all the sudden grown an interest in Urban Exploring.  The thought of going into run down, abandoned places is absolutely thrilling to me!  I'm in the process of researching places to explore... if you know of any abandoned buildings in the Twin Cities Metro, please let me know!  My interest is primarily in abandoned buildings and not so much the caves and drains/sewers.... The opportunity for photographs blows my mind.

I'm also looking for an old, potentially grown over, wooden school house (not so much to explore, but to photograph).  Steve wants to find some old Farm houses to explore -  I know I'll have to take a drive to see them, but that's all part of the game.  If you know of any... please contact me!

I'm super excited for Big Brother tonight... Chima is a whore and I can't wait to see what Jeff does with the Coup d'état.  Boy oh boy... it's gonna be exciting.  I hope Jeff survives it... cause he's a stud muffin :)

Lastly, is it possible to poll people and come up with the answer of 300%?  Like "How many people wash their hands after pooping?" ... a: 300% - just curious...?

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