That being said, plug your ears and get the kids out of the room because I'm about to litter this post with foul language.
I joined a gym back in ... September... let us not get into how many times I've made it there in those couple months.
The first day I was at the gym I was working out, and a couple walked in - they guy says "Hi" to me and strikes up a friendly conversation. I tell him that it's my first day and he goes onto tell me about how awesome the owners are and how nice the people are, etc. He introduces himself (his name is Steve but I don't want to confuse him with my man, so I'll just call him 'he') and points to his wife and tells me her name.
This dude has been super kind and friendly to me each time we're in the gym together, always says hi, makes small talk about the weather or current event, but never crosses the line where I feel he's a creeper.
His cunt for a wife, on the other hand... is a fucking Bitch - with a capital B! The first day when he pointed and said "That's my wife, Katie" (yes, I even went out of my way to remember the cunts name) she didn't even really look my way to nod hello. Fine, you're working out and way too cool... no big deal, I'm not there to be friends either. Each time he comes in and says hello, she just walks right over to her precious bike and starts peddling - without so much as a smile in my direction. I've become used to this behavior from her - she's a cunt, she knows it, and doesn't care what people think of her. Good for you, cunt.
Yesterday though.. I was <thisclose> to saying something to her.
They walked in as a couple as they always do... they didn't see me. They are doing cardio and I am behind them on some machines. They get off their bikes at the same time and turn to walk ... she's in front, he sees me and says "hi", I say "hi" back, she snaps her head back so fast to see who he's talking to, sees me and rolls her eyes back in front of her so hard I thought they were going to pop out of her fucking cunt.
I don't know if she thinks that I'm trying to steal her man, or if she thinks that because I don't workout everyday that she is way better than me, or if she's just a flat out whore.
I've done NOTHING in this situation to warrant that type of attitude from her. Her husband was kind enough to make me feel welcome on my first day, and from what I've seen since that day - he says "Hi" to damn near every soul that walks in the place. Get over yourself bitch.
I'm not a threat, I'm WAY cooler than you'll ever be, and just because I don't workout everyday - it only means that my life is way more fun that you'll ever have in your life.
Take the stick out of your ass and shove it up your cunt as hard as possible so that it comes out your skull and you die.
(I told you to put the kids in the next room...)
That's all. I really don't like people like that, so.. I'm hoping that blogging about it will allow me to continue to bite my tongue and not call her a cunt to her ugly face.
Thanks for sticking with this one... not usually how I blog.

HAHAHAHA I love your attitude :)
Don't give her a second thought! She's R-U-D-E
I guarantee you she feels threatened. Her guy sounds like a nice guy and maybe she just doesn't like the fact that he goes out of his way to be nice to people... women included.
Now, maybe she has a reason to be distrustful. Lord knows people thought I was a bitch for watching Dustin closely but the had no idea what went on behind closed doors. Or maybe she's just a jealous person and acts like a bitch for no reason.
Whatevs. You don't need to be mixed up in that, whether she has a reason to be distrustful or not. It's one thing to be mad at her man for how he acts - whether or not he is guilty for something - but it's another thing to treat other people like shit.
First of all, I LOVE this post because I love all the language in it! I love your feistiness! Here's the thing...she's probably so jealous that her husband is a nice guy and that he is friendly to everyone, which makes her self-conscious that she has to track every move he has which means even going to the gym despite the fact that she hates to work out but has to because she needs to watch her husband. She's projecting all that's wrong with her onto all that's right with you unfairly and becomes the bitch in the process. Whatever you do, don't let her get to you in person! Then she wins. You can bitch about her all you want here but be as nice to her as possible to her face. That will kill her!
A) I am totally following you on pinterest (my newest addiction!)
B)I am now totally following your BLOG because of this post. I bet she does feel threatened by you but clearly,it's because she is an obvious..."C" but I think my fave line here was, "she's a cunt, she knows it, and doesn't care what people think of her. Good for you, cunt"...sounds like her husband is nice though, so wtf is her deal?!
LMAO!!!! (At your attitude and your cursing, not about the situation).
Good for you for going to the gym :)
I agree with all of the other commenters, and I think you should just take this as a boost to your confidence. If she sees you as a threat, that must mean you give her reason to feel threatened, even if you're just being friendly like her husband. I'd almost feel bad for her if she wasn't such a mean whore.
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