Man - the 90's were MY decade, not to say anyone else can't claim the same, but in terms of music... I was all over the place. I had a tendency to buy an album and just listen to it over and over and over... something I still do today. So trying to pick out specific songs is ... hard.
I'm going to start off with my X-rated fantasy, if I'm being honest, I discovered my sexuality at a young age, so that being said... In the 90's The Box Channel was huge (you call in and pay to play the video you wanted), every time this Madonna song came on it was the closest thing I could find to sex on TV (aka porn)... so I fell in love with it; do you remember this song/video? After watching it now, it's pretty weird...
Next up is a sad one, but a great song, nonetheless. Toni Braxton's Un-Break My Heart. Watching through all these videos over these posts its funny to me how people film the videos. She's just prancing around her house in a bra and panties with a big shirt covering her - cause obviously we all do that (shit, I would if I had her body too though!)
One of my favorite 90's albums was The Presidents of The United States of America's self titled album. Picking one song off this album was extremely difficult. I narrowed it down to Lump, Dune Buggy, Boll Weevil, and Kitty. I went with the classic Kitty because it is an awesome song. Take a listen:
Another of my favorite 90's albums is from Weezer, The Blue Album as it's more commonly known. While I love all the songs on this disc, the one that has always been my favorite is Undone (The Sweater Song) - simply classic to me. I scream this shit from the top of my lungs!
Another of my favorite albums from this decade is What's The Story Morning Glory? by Oasis. I still keep this one in my car and listen to it quite a bit. Literally every song on this album is amazing... my favorite though, without a second thought is Champagne Supernova; enjoy...
I also enjoyed the album Pieces of You by Jewel - as I began my search of the album for this post I couldn't help but feel maybe this didn't quite qualify for my tops picks of the 90's... I continued on looking at the track list and picking based on memory what I thought would be my favorite - I did my youtube search and began to listen. So many memories flooding back to me, not to mention just her voice sends chills down my spine - this lady is talented! Here is Near You Always by Jewel.
Moving on to En Vouge - a group who straight out ROCKED the 90's. Funky Divas was another great album of the 90's - my favorite though, I think mostly because of the video was Giving Him Something He Can Feel... I loved those red dresses!
Everyone knows Alanis Morissette and every one knows her Jagged Little Pill album and if you don't climb out from under your rock fool! She recorded an acoustic version of this album a few years back and I rushed out to get it.. it's probably a bit more amazing than the studio recording. I loved her in the 90's and she can still belt it out today! My pick from this album is You Oughta Know
One of my favorite songs in the late 90's (while I was in high school) was Picture Me Rollin' by 2Pac.
Alright, let us round up the 90's with some crazy, sexy, cool ladies by the names of T-Box, Left Eye, and Chilli. I remember being in middle school when this album came out and everyone loved it, including myself. creep... a classic, waterfalls.. amazing... my favorite? Red Light Special - what a bunch of freaks!
Now... what are you waiting for? Go Link Up!!
The majority of your picks are ones that I picked too!! TLC and Jewel and Oasis and ZOMG WEEZER! I ended up going with Buddy Holly, but Undone was a very, very close second! Thank you for linking up yet again!
Oh my gosh, I went down this list and I was all "I love that song!" and then "OMG I love that song too!" I miss 90's music!
Wow, blast from the past!!!
I'm a big fan of Creep and Picture Me Rollin :)
I actually do walk around the house in underwear and a t shirt hahahaha (probably doesn't look as good on me, though)
I'm still mad at myself for forgetting all about Oasis! Grrr! Great picks!
I loved TLC and Oasis too and I forgot Alanis Morrisette. The internet (or maybe my laptop) is super slow today and pissing me off. Took me hours to make my list and finally I posted it but without much commentary. It was fun to think back and listen to these songs again
JEWEL. Holy Jewel. How could I forget?! I'm thinking I can squeeze her in my 00s post! I loved her. She made me cry. I Was an emo teenager. ;D
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