Crap, I am so easily distracted. My last post, you know.. the random one, was supposed to be a rant .. or a
what should I do type of post.... not at all was it meant to be random.
So, I've been out of high school for 10 years now, which usually means a 10 year reunion. I never signed up for any of that
class president stuff because I had no interests and, more so, because I didn't want to be in charge of planning a reunion.
Now with the wonderful world of Facebook, planning has become a lot easier. So I contacted the class president and asked her what's going on, this was months ago.
By nature, I am a planner (not always my favorite role, but somebody's gotta do it). So I tell her
"let me know how I can help!" I sincerely meant that. So we find a venue and since no one else has stepped up to help, we decided together to book it and pick a random date in the fall, thinking that there is just no way you'll be able to make it work for everyone, so just pick it! Then the next step was to decide on food, but first we wanted to see who else we could get to help. No one stepped up again and I didn't hear from the Pres for quite some time. At this point I'm feeling like I'm the only one interested in getting this thing planned. I have no idea where to start or where to finish.
In the year 2000, new privacy laws went into effect, and we can no longer go to our high school and get contact information for everyone, which means no addresses. How do we overcome this? My only idea is to find a yearbook and search the internet (facebook,, etc.) for people. Networking is going to be huge in this.
Being that I sit in front a computer all day for work, it is easy for me to go on Facebook and create an event to get the date out to everyone. Not only have I created a 'save the date' event on Facebook, I've created a group page for our class. I feel that that was a great help and a fantastic place to start.
I am beginning to feel like time is running out. Our date is 2 months out and we don't have a menu (which is essentially easy to decide on), we've only told people on facebook, we don't have anything in place for accepting payment, we don't even know how much we need to charge.
Is any of this my problem? No. Do I still feel a huge amount of pressure to make sure this thing goes off without a hitch? Yes.
Part of me wants to take a step back and say
"I offered my help, but I'm not going to plan the entire thing" but the other part of me wants to kick people in the ass and say
"Get off your ass and do your job!" I'm pretty fed up.
I wanted to start planning this in the early Spring... now here we are 2 months away with nothing but a date and a venue.
Am I right to feel like throwing in the towel?
Please, I need someone to be my voice of reason.