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Monday, November 26, 2007

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts Blog...
~Having my niece in my life makes me so happy... I want to move out of state, but I can't imagine leaving her and not watching her grow up.
*I've been super slackin on taking pictures lately.  This makes me very upset!  I have had my camera with me from Wednesday night up until this morning... and I only took a few pictures on Saturday at lunch with my family.  I don't know whats wrong with me.
-I drank a lot this weekend.
~Without getting too in depth here... since none of you really know about my 'love life'- I am recently out of a relationship, a (roughly) 3 year relationship... I don't feel I am ready to move on completely.. but I have been thinking a lot about dating.  What are the rules of dating now?  It is a very overwhelming thing for me to think about...
*In the past week- I have sold over $200.00 worth of things on eBay.. now I can afford to buy Christmas presents, get tabs for my van, and pay my insurance that is due mid-December.
-Speaking of Christmas... I am outraged by the lack of the word "Christmas" this year.  I'm sure you know that "Happy Holidays" is becoming the way of life and not "Merry Christmas" anymore.  Did you also know that stores are selling Family Trees and Wonder Trees instead of CHRISTMAS TREES?  We, as Americans, really need to do something about this; but how?  My first step is not buying a tree from a store that calls it anything other than what it is... the ironic part of that is: people who don't celebrate Christmas have no need for a Christmas Tree- so why change the name of it?  If you don't need one... don't buy one.. don't change the name so someone driving by feels better about themselves- FUCK THEM!
This is America- this nation was founded by people who celebrate Christmas... we don't go into other countries and religions telling them to change the name of things they celebrate.
My cousin said it best on Thanksgiving- (this is not a exact quote) "when will they start calling a Menorah a 'Seven branched candle stick holder'?"
I have NOTHING against other races and/or religions but please... Do your part and make sure you salute people with the holiday you celebrate- not just what this nation is telling you to say.
(I actually just received an email on the same topic as I was typing this...)
~I'm pretty sure the gym is going to be super busy after work today... with all the people thinking they want to lose weight for the holidays, but then realize after the New Year that they are too lazy to keep up with it. 
*I'm just noticing as I type this blog that I have written 64 blogs since I signed up for myspace... Have you read them all?
-I haven't sent in my BB tape yet- I'm scared.  I will probably record it tonight and hopefully mail it out tomorrow (they require a lot of stuff along with the tape and application!)
~I was laying bed last night thinking about something I wanted to blog about... I can't remember what that was.  I've had this blog open since 7:30 this morning trying to remember... I give up; it's now 10:30. 

Last but not least...

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