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Monday, November 2, 2020

I don't like to stretch

Hey All... good day. 

I'll spare you the reading about how I never blog anymore... you already know that.  I wish I could get back into it, but I just feel like I have nothing to say.

I'm getting old.  I've gained more weight than I want (before COVID even hit) and I'm having a real tough time dropping those extra pounds.  It's sad that the main reason I've even realized I need to drop them is because of some health issues ... nothing major (yet), just some acid reflux that I've never had before and some sciatic nerve pain that I've been dealing with.  

In effort to try and lose some weight I've been working out a few times a week, but haven't really been able to get my eating to change... I don't eat fast food as a rule, but I also don't eat a lot of veggies with every meal.  So I'm not super unhealthy, but I think I just eat more than I should most of the time.  If only I could get portion size under control, I think it would help a great deal.  

The other part is I've been looking up how to deal with this sciatic issue, there will be times when I'm in a certain position and my leg will get tingly and start to feel like it's falling asleep after just a couple seconds.   So there are a whole bunch of stretches that you can do to help and I thought... 'oh, this'll be easy for me to do on breaks at work'... but as I sit here and try to find the right stretches, all I can think is 'ugh, I hate stretching, this sounds like such a chore'.  I think this might make me the odd man out a little bit... I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they don't like to stretch, so that makes me feel silly.  

I know that I have to do it in order to help, but stretching makes me feel uncomfortable and never leaves me feeling much better.  This must be the same reason I don't have the patience for yoga... I've tried that before and could never get into it.

Well anyways, that is all I have to say today.  I hope everyone is staying safe from COVID and gearing up for a winter of quarantine 😠


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