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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Music Help

Ok... I need your help - if any of you are still out there.

I mentioned in my last post that we are renting speakers, lights, and a mic and doing our own playlists - now, I have a pretty nice collection of music - Steve on the other hand has either all rap or hard metal.  So... I'm just looking for a list of songs OTHER people might want to hear, besides us.

If you'd be so kind... leave a comment with a few or as many songs as you'd like, but make 'em songs you'd want to hear at a wedding, either for upbeat dancing or for slow dancing.
(Lurkers, now'd be a good time for you to chime in too (post it anonymously for all I care).)

Thanks in advance!


Beth (Coffee Until Cocktails) said...

I was at a wedding once and all my relatives and I wanted was for them to play Loveshack by the B52s, there is something about that song that is fun for dancing and singing along to. The DJ refused to play it until late in the evening for fear everyone would leave. Lame.

I'd say a lot of 80's tunes seem to be crowd pleasers.

Sara Strand said...

We had the Frank Sinatra/Celine Dion duet of "All the Way" and the old people went nuts for it at our wedding.

We also had a ton of throwback 80's stuff and it was hilarious. And someone requested disco songs and literally every one of Matt's family got up and made asses out of themselves. But at least I got a picture of his mom chugging a beer in the corner during all of this so I have something for blackmail someday. Because according to her, "Ladies don't drink beer and certainly not out of the container". HA.

devilishdelish said...

I bet if you looked on Spotify you could find all sorts of wedding playlists to use. And with spotify premium, you don't get commercials. So it might be a good option.


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