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Thursday, December 1, 2005

Holy Crap!

ok. so i am not good at this blog thing... but i'm gonna do this anyways!

so my birthday is coming (december 16th), and i will be 24, which is exciting in its own right... but scary too... it means i am getting old, and that i've been alive for almost a quarter of a century!!  which is another way of saying that i am 1/4 of the way to 100 years old!  kinda freaky to me... but i know that people out there are older than i am, and yada yada.. but this is me, i dont want to get any older!

so on to my point (those who know me, know i like to ramble... hehe)... with my birthday coming... i want all of my friends to be there.  last year was not that memorable of a birthday for me... not that i was alone, i was just too drunk to remember!  i woke up the next day and the last thing i remembered was being on the little stage at the N.E. Palace singing "Superman" by Eminem.. (with Amy, on karaoke).  I woke up at Amanda's house, and i tried to get off the couch, but my ass was sooooo sore, and by ass I mean tailbone, so i went into her bedroom and asked what the f*ck happened to me!  she told me i fell off my barstool... can you imagine falling that high off the ground, right onto your assbone?!  i was in pain for weeks afterwards.

so my hope is to not have that birthday this year... i was making up for my 21st and 22nd b-days... they were not your standard 21st and 22nd, super fun, but kinda lame!

sooooo... i want everyone to come out this year... i think i want to go back to my roots... northeast minneapolis... i love to bar hop there... so much fun!   so, this is my invite to anyone who wants to join, let me know if you are interested, and i will let you know the plan (once i know it).  I want all my friend there to make more wonderful memories, so please come out.

hopefully when the day comes i wont be too depressed over my age, and i'll still want to go out and have fun...

i want to get drunk and sing some more... i'm a good singer, but only have the balls do it when im drunk... and then it ends up not being all that great... but its funny nonetheless!

alright ya'll, hit me up.
until then.. stay safe and warm... and have a great day!

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