So this post is going to be more random than anything else... but being that it's
Valentine's day, I will say I hope you have a great day, whatever you decide to do. Steve is going to make me dinner - salt roasted salmon with my favorite broccoli side dish and sticky rice.
Second, some replies to the comments from yesterday. To those who took the time to say anything at all, thank you. It may not have helped my day fully, but I promise that I smiled at each of the comments.
Krysten - I am excited for Baseball season, I'd be more excited if I had cable AND if we had a promising team. That being said... I'm always excited to see Joe "Lips" Mauer in any form.
Dana - I'm so glad you liked the wine! I was able to try that same wine a couple of weeks ago and thought it was really good too! The whole line of wine from Cupcake is pretty stellar (and inexpensive)!
Gringa - I replied to you personally. I am excited for New York and Chicago - I've been planning those trips hard core over the last few weeks.
Lo - I'm jealous that you can walk to Target Field! On top of that, I'm so sorry your place got broken into. While I try hard not to be one of those 'woe is me, let's have a pitty party' - I do believe that no matter how positive a person tries to be, we all encounter bad days. I'm thankful for so much in my life and I hope that I didn't come across as ungrateful.
Okay, some of the reason why my day was poopy yesterday?
Not only am I sick and tired of dealing with the same shit day after day at work, it's even worse on a Monday. I try to wake up on Monday's and be fresh and new, ready to tackle a new week. Yesterday I woke up the same way... but it was quickly turned around by the bullshit at my company. My favorite co-worker, and one of only 2 people that I still like and enjoy at this place, told me a new way to think - while it may help for the time being, I'm still holding in all my true frustration. He told me to do my job and not worry about the other stuff unless it directly and negatively affects my job. It may sound like common sense but the 7 years I've worked here have been much different where everyone is involved in certain things. Especially considering I know the office admin job better than the person that was given the position. I don't know how you can plan for the future without knowing how things currently work. It's extremely frustrating.
Also yesterday, Steve told me that he had some bad news - which is never good to hear. As it turns out, his boss did some further research on our first class tickets and Hawaii is too expensive, so Continental US, Alaska, and Mexico are still options but Hawaii is off the table. I'm super bummed about that. I don't want to sound selfish, but I know I'm about to, so deal with it. The thing that makes me the most upset is the fact that we went a month not knowing if Hawaii was included but would have understood if it weren't... then we are told it is, sowe get excited and I start looking into stuff and talking with my travel agent... and now it's not. I just wish she would have looked into it
BEFORE telling us we could go. I'm super bummed and disappointed - we had our hopes beyond up.
Now to redeem my selfish thoughts - I know we're still getting a free first class ticket to somewhere, and I know we'll still have a great time... I just have to get over the bummed feelings and start thinking about something else. The other part of that is we don't know where we want to go now... hard to get excited about something that we don't know.. ya know?
I went to the gym after work yesterday, thinking
people always talk about how a good workout helps them feel better, maybe I can apply the same thought process - well... I don't think it worked because I was still bummed last night when I got home. However, I have decided that the gym isn't so bad as long as I don't go there expecting to push myself to my death. I always assume I can pickup where I left off 3 years ago, and I can't, and that's okay. I have to start somewhere. Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill. 40 minutes of cardio at any pace is better than 40 minutes on my couch, right?
Steve and I made a Pinterest Recipe to take to my brother's house over the weekend, the pinterest link is no longer working, but I was able to find the
same recipe here (the photos on this site are less exciting than what I pinned):
Bloomin' Onion Bread
1 unsliced loaf of (round is preferable) sourdough bread
1 pound Monterey Jack cheese, thinly sliced
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup finely diced green onion, including white part
2-3 tsp poppy seeds
Using a sharp bread knife cut the bread going both directions. Do not cut through the bottom crust.
Places slices of cheese between cuts. Mix together butter, onion, and poppy seeds. Pour over bread. Wrap in foil the entire thing in foil and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Unwrap. Bake 10 more minutes, or until cheese is melted.
Lastly, As I sit here thinking about a new job and working on my resume, I'm forced to think about how to remove myself from searchable social media. Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc. I've decided that once my resume is out there, I'm going to deactivate my facebook. I think it'll be good for me for many reasons - who couldn't use a break from facebook. It'll also assure any potential employers not be able to find pictures of me with my boobs hanging out (not literally, just the cleave) and photos of me being bombed off my ass at any given point.
Twitter is less of a big deal to me, being that I don't post often and there are no photos of me on there. I'm not sure if I can just disable the site for a time being or if I have to delete my account... if it's the latter, I'll probably just leave it.
My blog... I've worked extremely hard to remove my blog from any mention of my actual name. Being that I work with family and I'm also friends with the same family on Facebook and Twitter... I don't have any of it linked. I'm not an anonymous blogger, obviously, but unless we're friends on facebook, you won't know my full name by reading my blog. Just the way I want it. I really need to log out of my google account and do lots of different searches to make sure of this.
All of that being said... I still plan to make my blog private once I submit my resume. Which means, I think, that if you want to keep reading, you'll need to make sure you a) let me know b) give me your email address and c) I think that email address will need to be the one you use to sign up for a google account. I need to look a bit more into this, but I think that's how it'll work. It's going to be a pain, but hopefully I'll get a job right away and it won't have much of an impact on you, the reader. I do appreciate you reading and hope you'll continue to do so while I have to take some action to keep my privacy.
Peace out for now...