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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Democrat-Republican, Conservative-Liberal - UGH, Politics!

I started the writing below about a month ago, being that the election is a week away I figured I should get it posted.  I'm no better off now than I was a month ago!

I cannot believe I am writing an entire blog about Politics!

There is so much going on and I feel like this election is huge!  Forgive my ignorance, I'm trying to learn and trying to gain facts so that when the time comes I can make the decision I feel is right for me and our country.

First of all.. and I say this risking having something thrown at me... why do we talk so much about Liberals and Conservatives?  Isn't our political system made up of Democratic and Republican?  Again, forgive the ignorance.
I want a site or some information with facts, not information putting me into a category because of how I feel about government.  What if I'm a conservative who believes in same-sex marriage?  What if I have Liberal beliefs but don't agree with universal health care?  What would that make me?
I took a quiz online to see where I stand  - I scored right in the middle!  So now what do I do?
Does being a Conservative automatically make me a Republican or vice versa?  ...and what is a Conservative Liberal?

I also found this nifty chart stating where everyone stands on the issues.
..and more than all of this, does L vs C and R vs. D really matter?  Shouldn't we focus on where each candidate stands on each issue and vote based on that?

I'm trying really hard to understand all of this and feel myself getting more confused the deeper I get.  I don't expect that it's going to just click one day but the process of trying to understand it is very over-whelming!

1 comment:

BB Live Updates said...

Ha! Goodluck finding the answers to your questions, but I do understand what you are saying. I often find myself falling somewhere in the middle of things as well, sometimes I figure that makes me "independent" ... whatever that is... I do tend to lean conservative on many issues, but there are several biggies that I lean liberal on... ugh... I say just do like you are thinking and do your research and vote your mind on the issues that mean the most to you. That will be a much more responsible vote than many will make. (ugh, again.)


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