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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh Hey!

When was the last time I blogged about anything of importance?  Seems like I've posted some random crap over the last couple of weeks just to have a presence in the blogosphere!

Continuing with that today....
I need to make a resume.  I don't have one.  I haven't had to apply for a 'real' job ever.  My current job was a very informal interview; my aunt hired me over a lunch at Panera.  I'm in my 7th year here and I've learned so much that I can add to a resume.  My jobs for the 4 years before that were at shoe stores, selling shoes.  Before that, I did home health care for elderly people and before that I worked at a Target store, first as a cashier, then moved to the service desk (returns, how fun!) and then I moved into the cash office, which I loved!  The Target cash office is basically taking all the tills from the registers and counting the money to make sure it matches the reports as well as wrapping bills and wrapping coins to deposit all the money!  OMG, I LOVED that job!
Anyhow... I need to build a professional resume.  I have little idea where to start, I'm soliciting help!

I'm sick again - twice in one month.  My stress level is weakening my immune system - this is absolutely ridiculous.  I'm at home today, being sick.  It's a sore throat this time.

We've got some snow in the past week, but yesterday is was in the 40's and the next few days are going to be the same, so the snow will be gone soon.

Here are some photos of what I've/we've been up to in the last few weeks (I'm on android, so I don't have any fancy camera effects on my photos like those of you with instagram):
Homemade Onion Rings!  yum!

Homemade cupcakes!!!!

Monster Trucks!!!
Natalie (Pam's little girl) sleeping on me at a baby shower of a mutual friend.  I love this little girl!

AYCE Crab Legs at a new restaurant in Anoka

The piece I painted at a pottery shop with a group of about 17 other women for Diva Night

The Inside of the same bowl

Cheesecake from Manny's - the biggest piece of cheesecake  in the world, short of giving up the entire cheesecake (that's Steve's hand, for size comparison)

Orpheum Theater for The Lion King!!!

the chandelier at The Orpheum 

Other than that... I feel like we've been watching a lot of movies lately.  Yesterday I came home from work and watched Horrible Bosses and Bad Teacher I have Little Fockers lined up for today.  Steve and I watched Mission Impossible last night, and recently we've watched V for Vendetta, and a few others I'm having a hard time coming up with.
I'm might see what else is available at redbox when I go to return my movies today.

Lastly, one of my best friends, Pam - you may remember her from the shower I threw back in September and the adorable little baby Natalie that I'm pictured with above - well, her and her man, Nick, are getting married and it looks like they're about 95% sure it's going to be on June 30th!  I'm so happy for her!  She already has her dress and her shoes, so everything beyond that is just simple!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random v.12.2

  • 2 Random blogs in the first month of the year?  Must be a lot going on in my life.  ugh, there is.  I usually blog at work, work has been NUTS... work has been miserable.  I hate my life right now.  Well, not my whole life, but certain aspects of it.
  • I've been getting a lot of blogs hits on this post, via web searches... wtf are people looking for?!

    Also... to the person in Michigan finding my blog by searching for stupid words, I know it's the same person each time, don't try to get mention on here by searching for dumb shit like that.  Being that it's you each time, you'll never get mentioned for the keywords you search, stop trying.  Also, man up, if you're going to stalk me, at least leave a comment saying hello.
  • I feel like I'm crabby a lot lately.
  • I booked another trip yesterday.  Steve and I are going to Chicago... I blame this idea mostly on Ang, because she's been posting pics of her trip there over NYE.  She made me realize how much I miss that city; for a stint, it was like a second home to me.  I love Chicago.
    We are going to drive down on July 4th and stay 3 nights.  Got a good "Name Your Price" deal on
    So now we're up to 2 short trips for the year... one in May, one in July.  We still have first class tickets to use as well... hopefully those don't expire.
  • We're going to Monster Trucks this weekend!
  • I'm going to dinner with Kristi, Dana, and Heather tonight - for Dana's January Birthday!
  • I have to get back to work now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm taking a trip!

That's right bitches!  Most of you probably read it on facebook last night (seriously, what's the point in having all my blogging friends on facebook?  The point is having more than just blogging relationships, duh!).

I'm going to NEW YORK CITY!  Again!  I've been a handful of times in the past but what makes this trip so different is who I'm going with - the true love of my life!  He's never been and I CANNOT wait to show him one of my favorite cities in the United States.

You may ask yourself if we took advantage of our free first class tickets for this and the answer is no.  There are super good airfares to NYC right now and we took advantage of that!  Sure we could have saved money, but we'd rather use the first class tickets on a longer further away vacation... somewhere that isn't cheap to get to, like NY is.
We also found a killer deal on a hotel that is across the street from Ground Zero (or maybe across 2 streets).. either way.  I've been to NYC only since the 9-11 attacks, so I've never seen the Twin Towers, but I'm very excited to go and see the 9-11 Memorial that is now open.  I tell you what - it was an eerie feeling being there after the attacks, I can only imagine what it'll be like with that memorial open.

All of this was planned on a whim.  Towards the end of the day yesterday I noticed on my Twitter feed (maybe it IS good for something) that some special promos were ending soon, so I looked and decided to price out a trip for fun.  You can ask Steve, but I do this pretty often.  For fun only, I swear.  Then we're noticing that we can do it for a good price... so I was all we can talk about it more tonight, but think about it... and I guess he did!  Last night I was all over the web looking for deals... ended up finding a good flight along with a prime location hotel... and it was booked!  I couldn't believe it... still can't.  I'm going to NEW YORK!
A word of advice: don't book a trip right before you go to bed.  You'll have a hard time falling asleep ;)

So we're going for a long weekend (Friday-Monday) in May.  Hopefully it'll be good weather!  So much to do that I've never done and so much to show Steve that he's never seen!

AHHHHHHH!!!!  So excited!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Random v12.1

1. Do you ever find it impossible to tell someone how much you really love them?

2. I'm sick.  I can't wait to be able to breathe through my nose again.

3. I'm throwing up the white flag to 2012.  I surrender.

4. "Buzz words" used by people make me hate the person without a second thought.  Synergy, Team, Outside the Box... vomit.

5. I don't do fashion.  I don't wear cute outfits. I see people pinning outfits on Pinterest... it's so over my head.

6. I'm obsessed with Zoya nail polishes.  IN the past few months, I've purchased so many that I've had to start a list so I know which ones I have.  I've also taken advantage of their twitter promo codes during December... I've not paid full price for one bottle, even if you include shipping.  Matter of fact, I've paid about half price for every bottle I have.  Their Spring "True" collection is to die for.

7. My dad and I have a handshake... one we've spent years perfecting.  It's complete and has been for many years... I want to tattoo it on my body, but how do you tattoo a handshake?

8. Do you have a bucket list?  If you do, and you have it published (on a blog or somewhere), can you link me to it in the comments?  I like to read other peoples bucket lists.  I find them quite fascinating.

9. When was the last time you Googled yourself?  You should probably do it now.  While you're at it, Google Image yourself too... what page do you first appear on?  I pop up on page one.  I have a unique last name, so all my hits are me and not someone with the same name.

10. I love the home I live in, but having a cat and having a lot of wood (hardwood floors, wood trim, wood build-in's) makes for too much cleaning.

11. I know it's part of nature and part of life, but I really hate watching nature type shows and seeing animals fight... and then one win - because usually that means one has died.

12. People who smoke, stink.

13. I'm craving sushi.

14. I'm sick of people telling me they can help me out and then falling short.  I get that you're doing me a favor and all, but if you can't follow through, don't even offer.  Waste of my time.

Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 Survey

I found this little survey that I filled out for 2008, so I've updated it and am now doing it for 2011.  The way the year is going, I figure taking one more look back at 2011 might be fun.

Where​ did you begin​ 2011?​
In Elk River, with our friends Jeff and Linnea - then made our way back to my house, via cab, extremely wasted face!

What was your statu​s by Valen​tine'​s Day?
very much still basking in the beauty of our trip to Hawaii

Were you in schoo​l anyti​me this year?​

Did you have to go to the hospi​tal?​

Did you have any encou​nters​ with the polic​e?​
Not that I recall...

What did you purch​ase that was over $​1000?​

Did you know anybo​dy who got marri​ed?​
Jeff and Linnea

Did you know anybo​dy who passe​d away?​
Steve's grandma

Did you know anyon​e who had a baby?​
yes, Raquel (my dad's wifey), and my bestie, Pam - plus a crap ton of people on facebook

Did you move anywh​ere?​
Yes, I moved in with a boy!  

What conce​rts/​shows​ did you go to?
I feel like there was one, but I don't remember

Do you still​ have the same job as you did in 2010?​
sure did

Where​ do you live now?

Descr​ibe your birth​day
It was simply perfect - as you've already read about.  I turned 30!!

What'​s one thing​ you thoug​ht you'​d never​ do but did in 2011?​
went to Hawaii and moved in with a boy

What has been your favor​ite momen​t?​
The entire year was fantastic.  Hawaii, moving into a beautiful home (that feels like 'home'), growing in my relationships, turning 30​

What'​s somet​hing you learn​ed about​ yours​elf?​
that even in bad times, I can still be a positive person

Any new addit​ions to your famil​y?​
i've got a little baby brother, and Pam's daughter Natalie, calls me auntie, so I guess I have a new niece too.

What was your best month​?​
I can't pick just one

Were you in a relat​ionsh​ip this year?​
I sure was

What music​ will you remem​ber 2011 by?
probably Adele, Eminem, and Bruno Mars

New frien​d?​
I'd say my friendships have grown for the better

Favor​ite Night​ out?
Probably the night in Hawaii that Steve and I went to Morimoto's, then went to sit on the beach and watch the sunset.

Would​ you say you'​ve chang​ed since​ the begin​ning of this year?​
I'd say yes, at least some.  We all grow, right?

Do you think​ 2012 will be bette​r or worse​?​
Better, it has to be!

Staye​d singl​e almos​t the whole​ year?​

Done somet​hing you'​ve regre​tted?​
Nope - I don't have regrets as a rule

Lost someo​ne?​
not personally

Cut class​?​

Were invol​ved in somet​hing you'​ll never​ forge​t?​
So very many things!

Visit​ed a diffe​rent count​ry?​
Yes actually, we went to Canada this summer

Cooke​d a gross​ meal?​
shit yes.  Meatloaf mush comes to mind :(

Lost somet​hing impor​tant to you?
not really

Got a gift you adore​?​
Indeed - diamond earring, obviously!

Tripp​ed over a coffe​e table​?​

Dyed your hair?​
nope, i haven't

Came close​ to losin​g your life?​
Not that I recall

Read a great​ book?​
I did manage to finish The Lost Symbol

Saw one of your favor​ite bands​/​artis​ts live?​
no, sadly, no music this year

[​[​2011:​ Frien​ds and Enemi​es]​]​

Did you meet any new frien​ds this year?​
Yes, I did.

Did you disli​ke anyon​e?​

Did you grow apart​ from anyon​e?​

[​[​2011:​ Your BIRTH​DAY!​]​]​
Did you have a cake?
Sure did

Did you have a party​?​
Yep - at our house!

Did you get any prese​nts?​
I did!

[​[​2011:​All about​ YOU]​]​
Did you chang​e at all this year?​
Yes, added pounds to my body

Did you chang​e your style​?​
Nope, I really don't get into fashion/style...

Did you get good grade​s?​

Did you drive​?​
Oh yes!

Did you own a car?
Hell yes!

Did you go on any vacat​ions?​

Would​ you chang​e anyth​ing about​ yours​elf now?
I need to change my mentality about the gym, I need to just do it.

[​[​2011:​ Wrap UP:​]​]​
Was 2011 a good year?​
one of the best I've ever had

Do you think​ 2012 will top 2011?
I sure hope so!

IN 2011 I:
(x) kisse​d in the snow
(x) celeb​rated​ Hallo​ween
() had your heart​ broke​n
(x) moone​d someo​ne
() went over the minut​es on your cell phone​
(x) someo​ne quest​ioned​ your sexua​l orien​tatio​n
() gotte​n pregn​ant
() had an abort​ion
() done somet​hing you'​ve regre​tted
() paint​ed a pictu​re
() wrote​ a poem
() ran a mile
() shopp​ed at Holli​ster or Aberc​rombi​e and Fitch​
() poste​d a blog on MySpa​ce
() visit​ed a forei​gn count​ry
() cut in a line of waiti​ng peopl​e
(x) parti​ed to celeb​rate the new year
(x) cooke​d a disas​trous​ meal
(x) lied about​ how old you were
() prank​ calle​d someo​ne
[] broke​ a promi​se
[] cried​ over a broke​n heart​
[] disap​point​ed someo​ne close​
[x] hid a secre​t
[] prete​nded to be happy​
[] slept​ under​ the stars​
[] kept your new years​ resol​ution​
[] forgo​t your new years​ resol​ution​
[] met someo​ne who chang​ed your life
[x] chang​ed your outlo​ok on life
[x] sat home all day doing​ nothi​ng
[] prete​nded to be sick
[x] left the count​ry
[] almos​t died
[] given​ up on somet​hing/​​someo​ne impor​tant to you
[] lost somet​hing expen​sive
[x] learn​ed somet​hing new about​ yours​elf
[x] tried​ somet​hing you norma​lly would​n'​​t try and liked​ it
[x] made a chang​e in your life
[x] found​ out who your true frien​ds were
[x] met great​ peopl​e
[] staye​d up til sunri​se
[x] cried​ over the silli​est thing​
[x] had frien​ds who were drift​ing away from you
[] had a high cell phone​ bill
[] spent​ most of your money​ on food
[] had a fist fight​
[] gotte​n sick
[] liked​ more than 5 peopl​e at the same time.​
[x] becam​e close​r with a lot of peopl​e
[] staye​d singl​e
[x] got kisse​d
[] kisse​d someo​ne new
[x] made out
[x] made out in a car
[x] kisse​d in the snow
[x] kisse​d in the rain
[x] fell in love
[] fell in love with a fool
[] had my heart​ broke​n
[] broke​ someo​ne else'​s heart​
[] had a stalk​er
[] lost a frien​d.​.​
[x] had a good relat​ionsh​ip with someo​ne
[] got marri​ed
[] had a divor​ce
[] kisse​d someo​ne of the same sex
[] met someo​ne that I will never​ forge​t
[] lost my true love
[] lost faith​ in love for awhil​e
[] kisse​d under​ mistl​etoe
[x] got a promo​tion
[x] got a pay raise​
[] chang​ed jobs
[] lost my job
[] quit my job
[] got fired​ from my job
[] got strai​ght A's
[] almos​t got strai​ght A's
[] faile​d a class​
[] cut class​
[] skipp​ed schoo​l
[x] did somet​hing I was proud​ of
[x] prove​d mysel​f an idiot​
[] embar​rasse​d mysel​f in front​ of the class​
[] fell in love with a teach​er
[x] liste​ned to music​ I could​n'​t stand​
[x] doubl​e dippe​d
[] skinn​y dippe​d
[x] went to a sleep​over
[] went to camp
[x] threw​ a surpr​ise party​
[x] laugh​ed till I cried​
[] laugh​ed till I peed my pants​
[] flirt​ed shame​lessl​y
[x] visit​ed a forei​gn count​ry
[x] visit​ed a forei​gn state​
[] tried​ to gain weigh​t
[] went to a wild party​
[] got arres​ted
[] saw a great​ movie​
[] saw a movie​ so scary​ that it made me cry
[x] did somet​hing that I want to tell every​one
[x] exper​ience​d somet​hing new
[x] lied to your paren​ts
[] snuck​ out
[] got in troub​le with polic​e
[] kisse​d in a pool
[x] kisse​d under​ the stars​
[x] went to a party​
[x] had the time of your life
[x] dance​d
[] fell out of love
[x] had a crush​ on someo​ne
[x] swam in a pool
[] made a snowm​an
[] went snowb​oardi​ng
[] went sledd​ing
[] slep​t in past 2pm
[x] held someo​ne’s hand
[x] held someo​ne’s hand that you care about​
[x] told someo​ne you like them as more than a frien​d
[x] gone on vacat​ion with a frien​d
[] playe​d strip​ poker​
[] dance​d in the rain
[] seen someo​ne get in a car accid​ent
[x] laugh​ed until​ you could​n'​t breat​he
[x] had an amazi​ng year
[x] misse​d someo​ne
[] got hit by a car
[] sent someo​ne to the hospi​tal
[] got a new pet
[x] enjoy​ed this year overa​ll

Obviously geared more towards a teenager, but fun nonetheless.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Weekend 2011-2012

First, here is a photo of our Christmas tree - we both like the look of solid color light strands - we picked white this year because we got a bunch of hand-me-down Christmas stuff and there happened to be enough white to do our tree:

Next, moving on to New Years Eve weekend -
Wednesday night of last week, Steve started to feel like he was coming down with something, sure as shit, on Thursday (his birthday) he came home from work, sick.  Needless to say, we needed to rethink our wild weekend for something with less alcohol and more sleep.
We went out for Steve's birthday on Thursday, with Jeff and Linnea, to Benihana - for those not familiar, it's a hibachi style restaurant, where they cook the food in front of you.  Good stuff I tell ya.
Then Friday, we went out for my aunt's retirement, to Osaka, another hibachi restaurant.  Another night of good food, but not a lot of drinking and not a late night.

Saturday, we went to Olive Garden with Steve's parents, to celebrate his birthday... more eating!  ugh.  By Saturday I was sick of meat and pretty sick of chewing.
This was also New Years Eve - we decided to NOT attend my cousin's party and opted to stay home, just the two of us instead.  It was a pretty chill night.  Around 10pm, we turned on the TV to start watching ball dropping coverage, but the news was on and they were talking about a snowstorm moving through.  We promptly look outside to see it's snowing and had been snowing for quite some time.  It was beautiful snow too... the kind that photos are made of.  It was our first snow in weeks - we've been brown for the entire month of December.
I may have dozed off on the couch before midnight, but Steve was on the ball and woke me up to see the ball drop.  We were fast asleep by 12:20.

Sunday, we woke up with ambition ... breakfast ambition.  I really wanted to tackle Eggs Benedict, so we did.  For our first time, it wasn't bad, but I'd want to make it again knowing a few things we can do to make it better.
Sunday afternoon/dinner time we went over to Jeff and Linnea's for more food.  They made a pork roast in the crockpot - plus a bunch of different crack dips - so again, more eating!

On Monday we woke up and ate a light breakfast and then went to meet Jeff and Linnea for lunch at Pittsburgh Blue.  I got Sea Scallops Benedict- Oh yum!  We then went to an outlet mall in the area looking for winter boots at a good price.  We found a pair but, as usual, they didn't have my size - so I arrived back home with no boots.

I feel like the weekend was full of eating, full of Jeff and Linnea (hopefully they don't end up with Steve's bug), full of movies, and full of relaxation.

Movie's watched this weekend:
The Sound of Music
Lethal Weapon 3
Big Fish

Photos from the weekend:

Boomer was more than happy to have us home all weekend.  He normally hates when things are on top of him, but I took the blanket out of the dryer and laid it on him, he looked up at me and then snuggled in and fell right back asleep.  He LOVES to be warm.

As I type this on Tuesday evening, Steve is still a bit congested but he said it feels like it's finally starting to drain, which means in a short matter of time, he'll be all better.  Stay tuned next week for when I'm sick and blogging about what an amazing job Steve is doing taking care of me (payback, the good kind).

In other news, I'm hoping for some positive thoughts, prayers, whatever you have to offer.
Two things going on right now - one of my cousins has melanoma, they've been working to get rid of it by removing skin and lumps, it was going well... but over the weekend I found out it's spread to her lungs, liver, armpit, shoulder, and her thigh.  She's 25.  How incredibly awful.
In addition to that, Steve's mom has been making several trips to the Mayo clinic here in MN - I don't want to get into great detail about that as it's Steve's personal life and not mine, but his mother is an amazing person and she could use thoughts and prayers as well.
We're hoping to keep our family around for all of 2012.  Thanks to all in advance.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Year 2011 in Pictures

If you've been with me for a year or more, you know that I've taken to review my years in photo form.  Click these links through to see my photo reviews from 2010, 2009, and 2008.
So... prepare yourself for a long and picture heavy post!

First let's look at the trip Steve and I took to Hawaii back in February - what a beautiful place!

Then let's talk about great friends and great times:
Linnea's bachelorette party
Milwaukee and Six Flags with Krysten and Izzy

Jeff and Linnea's wedding!

Amanda and I at the Vikings game

Shotgunning my first beer EVER!

Second annual pumpkin carving
Monthly girls dinners with my best friends from way back when (me, Amanda, Pamela, and Abbie)
Dinner's with these wonderful ladies (some more than once this year!!)
My best friend, Pam, being preggers and throwing her a wonderful shower!

Natalie Marie - born 11/14/11
Continuing to develop a close friendship with my cousin, Shannon

Steve buying a house shortly after returning from Hawaii and him asking my to move in with him:

One of many shopping trips to Home Depot for the house

First big project - taking down wallpaper in the bedroom and painting it to suit us

painting our dining room a BEAUTIFUL shade of deep red

under cabinet lighting!

My wonderful brother and sister-in-law - and their amazing daughters, my nieces:

Doing a boudoir photo shoot!

Random photos of my year:

Diamond earrings for my 30th Birthday

One of my favorite photos of the year - taken along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Found me a nice little red barn to photograph

Grand Marais Lighthouse

Winning first class tickets to fly somewhere!

My sweet kitty Boomer, though he had a bit of a rough patch, I feel like he is doing well now, he eats bland food only, but at least he's eating and keeping it down.

Cuddling on the couch
Fun drawings on the white board wall:

Getting a new baby brother - Wyatt Lewis, born 10/19/11

Good times with my amazing outcast cousins

Saving the best for last - this year of my life has been simply incredible and I owe that entirely to one person; Steve.  He has been my rock when I've broken down, he has loved me without question, he has expressed his love for me in ways I never knew possible.  If 2011 is any indication of how the rest of my life with this man will be, then bring it on!  My dear sweet boyfriend, I love you with all of my heart and soul; thank you for being with me and sharing in my joys and sorrows all of 2011.  I know 2012 will bring some difficult times, as we're already preparing for, but together I know we can get through it - you lean on me and I'll lean on you.  In the end, we have each other, and that's a lot.  I love you Steve.


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