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Monday, January 4, 2010


If you like coupons, you'll love this site!
Groupon has daily deals and it very cleaver in the way it works... they post a deal online, daily, if enough people 'buy it' the deal is on and people are charged.

For example, today's deal is: for $7 you can get $15 worth of food at The 5*8 Club (home of the Juicy Lucy).  So the deal only needed 30 people to buy it in order for it to be a valid deal.  It's up past 1,000 now.  Had it not reached 30 people interested, no one would be charged and the deal would be cancelled.  It's not always restaurants either!

Go Check it out, sign up for the daily email, if you'd like (it's not just the Twin Cities either!) - I just know that everyone is trying to save money these days, and this site gives you the chance to still do things, but at a fraction of the cost!


I love awesome websites!


Dana said...

Oooo, I always love a deal! Thanks!

Lovi said...

Thanks for the tip - love stuff like that!


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