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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

I was thinking on my way to work this morning, as a plastic bag flew over the roof of my car, Why do people litter?
Ironically, the next thing I heard on the radio was something about it being Earth Day today.

I was at Target last night, and I came across a very plain white t-shirt that said My White t-shirt is Green, which basically means it was made with recycled materials. I almost bought it, but was already spending too much money on stuff I didn't necessarily need!
Here is something you may or may not know about me: I am a huge recycler. I get on everybody about it, if I see someone throwing something in the wrong bin.
I don't know that I'd call myself "Green" per se, but I do think about the little things I can do as an individual to help better our Earth.

Nothing annoys me more than seeing people throw cigarette butts out the window of their car, while driving or stopped. I am seriously to the point where I almost get out of my car to scream at them- though with today's world and the right to conceal and carry, I would never do that.
Do any of you smoke? Do you throw your butts out the window? I hope you think twice next time you do.. and maybe the time after that you won't do it at all. Shame on you for doing it to begin with... what gives you the right to help destroy our planet?
I seriously hope none of you litter... that is so 10 years ago! IF you do... can you give me one good reason why? ...didn't think so.

I despise people who litter.

Have any of you taken steps to try and become green? I'd like to hear about it, if so. I know that one person won't do much on their own, but chances are if you are doing green things you'll probably talk to your friends about it... causing them to do one little green thing. If we all do one thing, it will eventually have some effect, right?
I don't know how to have an effect on everyone, nor do I expect to, but I hope that those reading this will take my words and try to do something to help. Our planet isn't going to fix itself and we've done horrible things to it; why not pitch in and try to help clean it up?
I'm not saying donate money, I'm not saying go 100% green and change your life completely...but, you could be saving money by changing to those new light bulbs, you could help generate less waste by taking advantage of paperless billing options, and do you really need to take that extra 5 minutes in the shower to see how your shower head can work for you?

I'm just saying think about it... be aware of the things you do.

Today is Earth Day - The sun is out in Princeton, MN - It's a beautiful Earth we have been blessed with, don't you want your children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy it?

Maybe start by picking up a piece of litter today... it's a small step, but it's a step in the right direction.

Thank you for your time.

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